First Day of Summer by Jeep
Personal campaign for Jeep.
Summer is a time for beach day trips and mischievous midnight adventures. We associate it with long days and long drives. The image for Jeep is just this. The vehicle fit for an All-American dedicated to exploration.
Photographer + Designer
Canon Rebel T5 + Photoshop
Les Visages des Femmes
Discovery Park | Seattle, WA
Photographer + Stylist + Director
Canon Rebel T5 + 85mm + Adobe Lightroom CC
Photographer + Stylist + Director
Canon Rebel T5 + 50mm & 85mm + Adobe Lightroom CC
Cowboy Like Me
Winthrop, WA
Canon Rebel T5 + 50mm + Adobe Lightroom CC
Sunflower Fields Forever
Lee Farms, Oregon
Photographer + Director
Canon Rebel T5 + 85mm + Adobe Lightroom CC
iPhone Sample Shots
iPhone 11 + Adobe Lightroom CC
Seattle International Film Festival
Wildlife Safari Park
Winston, Oregon
Canon Rebel T5 + 18-55mm + Apple Aperture